Hair After the Chop

Well I did it, and… I love it!  Even though I already miss my long hair 😦  The cut turned out just the way I wanted. I went to Pansy at Solian, in Pensacola at the suggestion of a dear friend who has gone there for several years. I highly recommend her Salon, I have gone to many hairstylist over the years and few have truly cut it the way I wanted it.  Pansy hit the nail on the head. I feel like I have lost 10 lbs getting it cut, if only it were that easy 🙂  I am slowly getting use to the cut, I keep fluffing and running my fingers through it.  I am thrilled to think that the hair I am donating to Locks of Love will help a young Cancer Patient, this is Priceless!

Below is the process of the Chop.


Long Bob via LashesandDashes

Long Bob via LashesandDashes

Enjoy the pictures below I had to stop and do a quick photo shoot with the new hair.

Long Bob via LashesandDashes


Long Bob via LashesandDashes


Long Bob via LashesandDashes